Like drink-driving, driving when high is dangerous and illegal. Possession can get you up to 7 years in prison, an unlimited fine or both. Worried about a friend? Anyone using too much can get paranoid and depressed. After a string of recent deaths attributed to MDMA poisoning, particularly among young women, she is calling on clubbers in the north-west to beware of red Mastercard and yellow Mickey Mouse pills, which were found to contain doses that could prove harmful or even lethal to some users.
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This excess of water in the body can directly harm brain function, and this can be as deadly as not drinking enough water. Other risks include: PMA affects the body’s temperature control and the risk of overheating may be greater than ecstasyas it is more poisonous. Worried about Pink bitcoin pill review use? The surge in strength has spurred Dr Adam Winstock, founder of the Global Drugs Surveyto warn that might be the most dangerous year to begin taking ecstasy in a generation. Facebook Twitter Pinterest. Worried about a child? Most popular. At the moment they are the only civilian organisation testing drugs for health and pink bitcoin pill review at music bitcoln. Supplying someone else, even your friends, can get you life in prison, an unlimited fine or. How it feels How does it make you feel?
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