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Star citizen trading app download

star citizen trading app download

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star citizen trading app download
Spreadsheets are icky…. The premise is simple: create an app that records prices across all possible trading locations, then display that information in a relevant way to maximize profit during cargo runs. Then, using that information, you can calculate your most profitable trade run s from your given starting location, considering the amount of aUEC you have and your free SCU space. It currently works from «crowd-sourced» price reporting, allowing all users to contribute to price reports to keep the data as fresh as possible. The currently published version is merely the beginning.

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New star citizen trading app download. Search forums. JavaScript is disabled. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Thread starter Edgewise Start date Jan 14, Edgewise Admiral. This is made by Texas Skulls I’m still slightly confused on exactly how it works but it works!

It’s the best trade thing I’ve seen so far, and I’ve been looking at them all pretty. It has an offline mode too, interesting, if one is into. Need more beer. Vavrik Grand Admiral Donor. The prices are reported by other players. This seems more of a demo than anything else at the moment, but an incredibly useful one.

The prices quoted just show you what the price history looks like, isn’t a lot of data there but it’s a pretty good start. The price visualizer is a pretty good attempt at a market chart, but there’s some dirty data in what the users reported. May 20, 4, 15, 2, RSI Handle mgk. Vavrik said:. Takeiteasy Admiral. This is interesting! I need to go do some trading, I want to be so rich that I need to organise trading runs just to move my UEC from port to port.

Bambooza Grand Admiral. Ammorn Space Marshal Donor. Takeiteasy said:. Reactions: DirectorGunnerDerothBambooza and 2. Ammorn said:.

Have they stated lore wise what the UEE money system works? Like is there a physical form of the UEE credit? Reactions: DirectorGunnerAmmornBambooza and 1 other person.

Reactions: DirectorGunner and Ammorn. Other than statements that seem to indicate some sort of player driven economy but with regulation by UEE made in mid, they have not described the economic system in a lot of. I’m pretty sure they have not been concentrating on this, and haven’t worked it. I’m not sure what you mean by physical form of UEE credit. If you mean is it convertible to real world currency, then I am of two minds. If they don’t do that, then the economy can be based on any combination of bullshit they want.

If they do that, then they must follow a model that doesn’t a encourage «gold farming», or b violate any real world nation’s tax laws. I don’t think we want that just. Reactions: DirectorGunner and Bambooza. Bambooza said:.

You mean like physical in game that can be reacquired through more nefarious ways or more like what Vavrik mentioned? Honestly I am not sure they have really thought out the full market system for the game. No, I mean all in game money. I’m not talking about trading real money for in game money, allowing it to be converted back to real money.

In the game there only seems to be cashless transfers and I haven’t seen a physical version of the UEE Credit in game. What made me think of that was that Breaking Bad picture of them laying on the cash and joking about using cargo ships to move all your cash. You’d have to have a physical form of the UEE Credit in the game to be able to do anything like.

Reactions: DirectorGunnerBambooza and Ammorn. Printimus Space Marshal Officer. I thought the prices fluxuate at each station? And the servers probably are not synchronized Reactions: DirectorGunnerBamboozaAmmorn and 1 other person. Right ok, I get it. No I haven’t heard anyone talking about physical in game currency, just the «cashless society» credit thing. I don’t think there’s even going to be physical currency for Banu money, it’ll just convert to UEC credits.

There’s also been no talk of the UEE taking money from criminals, like by freezing their bank account. That’s fine. It doesn’t even stop the idea of a black market, but you’d use commodities and services instead of cash to fund the transactions. Greengiant Vice Admiral. Printimus said:. Reactions: DirectorGunnerAmmorn and Bambooza.

Greengiant said:. Reactions: DirectorGunnerBamboozaVavrik and 1 other person. Would be the only way unless all the servers are communicating, otherwise you could buy supplies in a port, then log into a different server and sell the supplies at the same port for.

Pure speculation. Reactions: DirectorGunnerGreengiantAmmorn and 1 other person. You must log in or register to reply. Top Bottom. Your name or email address. Log in. Don’t have an account? Register .

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On some pages of our website, other organisations may also set their own anonymous cookies. Anonymous analytics cookies: Every time someone visits our website, software provided by another organisation generates an ‘anonymous analytics cookie’. StarCitizen route planner Built as your fast companion navigation app, plan your routes, search for a new adventure, avoid dangerous systems and increase the profit margin of your hauling missions. The only way to truly find that out is either through a CIG response, observing statistically significant variations in the data you guys report to the web app, or by using multiple friends across multiple servers and observing material price differences be mindful of the Olisar strut bug. These cookies can tell us whether or not you have visited the site star citizen trading app download. The premise is simple: star citizen trading app download an app that records prices across all possible trading locations, then display that information in a relevant way to maximize profit during cargo runs. This is going to be one of my largest areas of focus for improving the app. See real-time stats on how many people are making how many reports. We use them to gather statistics, for example, the number of visits to a page. When you register with StarCitizen. Because of how cookies work, our website cannot access these cookies, nor can the other organisation access the data in cookies we use on our website. Any observed fluctuations could simply be attributed to other players on other servers conducting trade transactions, thereby affecting the prices. Read more in the Star Citizen Route Planner description. However, we cannot tell if you are signed in without using cookies, so you would not be able to post comments. TexasSkulls TexasSkulls.


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